Little Cabin in the Woods- A Colorado Tale

Guest post from Wendy L. Huston Robinson

I was born in Des Moines, Iowa but only lived there for a few years. My parents had a bug to be elsewhere and for a while, we travelled around. We lived in Seattle Washington for a short time and we camped and travelled quite a bit of the western United States.

When I was about 7 or 8 years old, we moved and stayed in Colorado. We moved up to an area north of Lake George, Colorado in 1976. We moved out in the middle of the National Forest to run a mining claim for a man we knew, it was The Gem mines. Mining such things as Amazonite or Amazon Stone, Smoky Quartz, and fluorite crystals. Beautiful rocks but I digress.

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Little Fish, Big Pond-from rural to world traveller

It was strange to think that someone in their 60s could just be experiencing these things for the first time. Yet, when I think about how strange the mid-west and western United States could be for people, it’s kind of a weirdness that is unique to that part of the world. Growing up in rural environments means that we have some experiences with raising farm animals, or hiking hidden trails. Yet we miss out on more urban pursuits. Which, when traveling have an interesting way of sneaking in. All part of the experience.

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Indie Bookstores in Fort Collins, Colorado

We love Indie businesses here at A Colorado Thing! Here is our list of awesome Indie Bookstores in Fort Collins, Colorado to get you started next time you’re in town! Old Firehouse Books– 232 Walnut Street- 970-484-7898 Indigo Rose Bookstore- 200 N College Ave. (970) 482-9980 Wolverine Farms bookstore– 144 N. College Ave. 970.472.4284 Bizarre Bazaar– 1014 S College Ave. 970-484-1699 […]

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